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Leggetts Creek Bassmasters Bylaws


Section 1: Name
This chapter shall be called the Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters of Scranton, PA.
Section 2: Purpose
To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport.  To offer our state conservation department our organized moral and political support and encouragement.  To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to demand adequate water standards.  To detect and report any polluter and call public and political attention to his crime.  To work to improve our skill as bass anglers through a fellowship of friendly exchange of fishing techniques and ideas and to promote and encourage youth fishing, and a love for this great recreation.  Our chapter will function as a dynamic and effective link with our affiliated State Federation and other like-minded groups. 

ARTICLE II---Membership

Section 1: Number of Members
The chapter shall begin with and maintain at least six members.

Section 2: Requirement for Membership
To become a chapter member, a person shall:

  1. Voluntarily express a genuine interest in membership.

  2. Be a member of The Bass Federation, Inc. (TBF, Inc.) and it’s home state federation approved industry partners.

  3. Be recommended by one member at a regular monthly meeting.

  4. Be voted on by membership. Vote shall be by a secret ballot and affirmation must be majority.

  5. Be 16 years of age.

  6. First year members will be on a probationary period and re-voted on at the October club meeting to become permanent members. Vote once again shall be by a secret ballot and affirmation must be a majority. 

Section 3: Membership Fees
The breakdown is as follows: $15 The TBF National Federation dues, $40 TBF of Pennsylvania dues, $50 MLF dues, $30 Club dues TBF, PA TBF, and MLF dues change if the member has a mother club or is and FLW lifetime member.  Dates fees are due are $120 by January club meeting and any remainder by the April club meeting. Members will not be allowed to fish any events following dates of portions owed if not paid in full up to monies owed at that point. 


Section 4: Meetings of Members
The Membership shall hold its annual meeting on the last Tuesday of the month at The Penalty Box.  The membership shall hold such other meetings as may be established by the Board of Directors or called by the President.

    ARTICLE III---Officers, Elections, Vacancies, and Eligibility

Section 1: Officers/Directors and their Duties

  1. President: Preside over all meetings and direct all official business.  Appoint and be an ex officio member of all committees.  Supervise all club functions. President will be the tiebreaking vote if there is a tie with a club vote.

  2. Vice President: Act as program chairman, assists the president in his duties and presides in the absence of the president.

  3. Secretary: Maintain accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings as called for by the chapter president.  Maintain regular liaison between the club and the TBF, Inc. affiliated state Federation.

  4. Treasurer: Collect and disburse all monies.  Maintain accurate financial records and present a current balance report at each regular meeting.  Prepare an annual audit for review by the club Board of Directors.  The chapter may vote that the treasurer and any other officer handling chapter funds must be bonded.

  5. Tournament Director & President:  Schedules tournaments (includes filing of permits with PA Fish Commission and other states), collects tournament fees, run tournaments, provide results for each tournament and keep track of points standings for each club member.  Tournament director will have final say over any issues involving the tournament.

  • Conservation Director:  Serve as liaison between the club & state & national conservation agencies.  Plan club conservation projects and attend all local and state conservation meetings/hearings.

  • Youth Director:   Promote youth fishing related activities. Organize and implement local tournaments and activities, teach honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, and assist the district and other chapters in other related youth activities.

  • Public Relations Director: Obtain and maintain potential sponsors and is responsible for the overall management of media and public relations activities relating to the club and club activities.

  • Webmaster: is responsible for maintaining the club website such as club minutes, tournament results, photos, member passwords, etc.


Section 2: Elections 
The election of officers shall be held annually at a regular meeting during the month of November.  Election shall be by simple majority of members present.  Election for each officer shall be held separately in order listed in ARTICLE III, Section 1.

Section 3: Eligibility of Vote
Each member is entitled to one vote.  Proxy votes are not permitted.

Section 4: Term of Office
The term of office is for one year, which shall begin on January 1, and end on the last meeting day of December 31, or until the successor assumes office.

Section 5: Vacancies
In the event of an office becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked for and an election held to fill the unexpired term of the individual vacating the office.  The state TBF, Inc. affiliated Federation shall be notified immediately of the change of any officers.

Section 6: Eligibility for Holding Office

  1. Have been members for six months.  (Six months’ requirement waived during first 12-month of chapter existence.)

  2. Have attended 50% of the chapter meetings and functions during a 12-month period.

  3. Have shown an active interest in all chapter functions.

ARTICLE IV---Standing Committees

All Standing Committees will serve for one year or until a new committee is appointed.  The terms of the committee members will coincide with that of the president.  Each committee member shall elect a chairman.
1) The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of (5) members. They shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Tournament Director elected annually by the members.
2) The president will call all meetings of the Board of Directors and preside at such meetings.
3) The secretary will record the minutes of these meetings.
4) The board will decide all protests and rule on all violations of the tournament rules and bylaws of the chapter when appropriately received.
5) The board will develop agendas for the monthly meetings.
6) The Corporation shall have three (3) standing committees:

a) Youth Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to plan, organize, and implement a Chapter Youth Project; to introduce young people to the purpose of the club and national organization; to teach the youth a basis for respect of our national heritage, an appreciation of the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play and good sportsmanship, and to give them an introduction to the sheer joy of fishing.

b) Conservation Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to protect our natural environment from harmful change; to document and report to the proper authorities violations of local, state and federal anti-pollution laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances and other regulatory devices; to take legal action where appropriate; to undertake informational and educational programs to bring public awareness of threats to our environment; and to take a leadership role in repairing the harm that has already been done to the life-giving waters of America.  To work toward a responsible fisheries habitat and management agenda.              


ARTICLE V---Disciplinary Actions

      Section 1: Removal of Membership
A member shall be dropped from the membership roll for the following:

  1. Failure to pay dues.

  2. Any action that would reflect dishonor and disgrace on this club, state federation or TBF, Inc.

  3. Disqualification for any reason from participating in TBF, Inc. sponsored events including disqualification for use of drugs or alcohol.

  4. A member who is determined not to be acting in the best interest of the club or its members will be removed immediately from the club roster upon a majority vote by the board of directors.

  5. Not following club ethic standards consistently.

ARTICLE VI---Affiliation

      Section 1: Requirements for Affiliation

  1. Certification of club bylaws by TBF, Inc.

  2. Update TBF, Inc. with a club membership roster once each year before the end of the calendar year.

  3. Names and addresses of new members joining the chapter during the year must be submitted to the state TBF, Inc. Federation as they occur.  (See ARTICLE II Section 3 for dues requirements.)

  4. Maintain 100% TBF, Inc. membership

  5. Must affiliate with a TFB, Inc. State Federation and support its conservation and youth programs.  Any additional requirements that the State Federation establishes for clubs, such as membership, dues, attendance at meetings, etc., would be necessary for the club to participate in the state TBF, Inc. Federation qualifying tournament(s), and any other TBF, Inc. sponsored tournaments or events.

ARTICLE VII---Method of Amending the Bylaws

         Section 1: Amending the Bylaws


  1. The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a ⅔ vote of the members present


Leggetts Creek Bassmasters Bylaws


Section 1: Name
This chapter shall be called the Leggett’s Creek Bassmasters of Scranton, PA.
Section 2: Purpose
To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport.  To offer our state conservation department our organized moral and political support and encouragement.  To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to demand adequate water standards.  To detect and report any polluter and call public and political attention to his crime.  To work to improve our skill as bass anglers through a fellowship of friendly exchange of fishing techniques and ideas and to promote and encourage youth fishing, and a love for this great recreation.  Our chapter will function as a dynamic and effective link with our affiliated State Federation and other like-minded groups. 

ARTICLE II---Membership

Section 1: Number of Members
The chapter shall begin with and maintain at least six members.

Section 2: Requirement for Membership
To become a chapter member, a person shall:

  1. Voluntarily express a genuine interest in membership.

  2. Be a member of The Bass Federation, Inc. (TBF, Inc.) and it’s home state federation approved industry partners.

  3. Be recommended by one member at a regular monthly meeting.

  4. Be voted on by membership. Vote shall be by a secret ballot and affirmation must be majority.

  5. Be 16 years of age.

  6. First year members will be on a probationary period and re-voted on at the October club meeting to become permanent members. Vote once again shall be by a secret ballot and affirmation must be a majority. 

Section 3: Membership Fees
The breakdown is as follows: $15 The TBF National Federation dues, $40 TBF of Pennsylvania dues, $50 MLF dues, $30 Club dues TBF, PA TBF, and MLF dues change if the member has a mother club or is and FLW lifetime member.  Dates fees are due are $120 by January club meeting and any remainder by the April club meeting. Members will not be allowed to fish any events following dates of portions owed if not paid in full up to monies owed at that point. 


Section 4: Meetings of Members
The Membership shall hold its annual meeting on the last Tuesday of the month at The Penalty Box.  The membership shall hold such other meetings as may be established by the Board of Directors or called by the President.

    ARTICLE III---Officers, Elections, Vacancies, and Eligibility

Section 1: Officers/Directors and their Duties

  1. President: Preside over all meetings and direct all official business.  Appoint and be an ex officio member of all committees.  Supervise all club functions. President will be the tiebreaking vote if there is a tie with a club vote.

  2. Vice President: Act as program chairman, assists the president in his duties and presides in the absence of the president.

  3. Secretary: Maintain accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings as called for by the chapter president.  Maintain regular liaison between the club and the TBF, Inc. affiliated state Federation.

  4. Treasurer: Collect and disburse all monies.  Maintain accurate financial records and present a current balance report at each regular meeting.  Prepare an annual audit for review by the club Board of Directors.  The chapter may vote that the treasurer and any other officer handling chapter funds must be bonded.

  5. Tournament Director & President:  Schedules tournaments (includes filing of permits with PA Fish Commission and other states), collects tournament fees, run tournaments, provide results for each tournament and keep track of points standings for each club member.  Tournament director will have final say over any issues involving the tournament.

  • Conservation Director:  Serve as liaison between the club & state & national conservation agencies.  Plan club conservation projects and attend all local and state conservation meetings/hearings.

  • Youth Director:   Promote youth fishing related activities. Organize and implement local tournaments and activities, teach honesty, integrity, sportsmanship, and assist the district and other chapters in other related youth activities.

  • Public Relations Director: Obtain and maintain potential sponsors and is responsible for the overall management of media and public relations activities relating to the club and club activities.

  • Webmaster: is responsible for maintaining the club website such as club minutes, tournament results, photos, member passwords, etc.


Section 2: Elections 
The election of officers shall be held annually at a regular meeting during the month of November.  Election shall be by simple majority of members present.  Election for each officer shall be held separately in order listed in ARTICLE III, Section 1.

Section 3: Eligibility of Vote
Each member is entitled to one vote.  Proxy votes are not permitted.

Section 4: Term of Office
The term of office is for one year, which shall begin on January 1, and end on the last meeting day of December 31, or until the successor assumes office.

Section 5: Vacancies
In the event of an office becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked for and an election held to fill the unexpired term of the individual vacating the office.  The state TBF, Inc. affiliated Federation shall be notified immediately of the change of any officers.

Section 6: Eligibility for Holding Office

  1. Have been members for six months.  (Six months’ requirement waived during first 12-month of chapter existence.)

  2. Have attended 50% of the chapter meetings and functions during a 12-month period.

  3. Have shown an active interest in all chapter functions.

ARTICLE IV---Standing Committees

All Standing Committees will serve for one year or until a new committee is appointed.  The terms of the committee members will coincide with that of the president.  Each committee member shall elect a chairman.
1) The Board of Directors of the Corporation shall consist of (5) members. They shall be the President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Tournament Director elected annually by the members.
2) The president will call all meetings of the Board of Directors and preside at such meetings.
3) The secretary will record the minutes of these meetings.
4) The board will decide all protests and rule on all violations of the tournament rules and bylaws of the chapter when appropriately received.
5) The board will develop agendas for the monthly meetings.
6) The Corporation shall have three (3) standing committees:

a) Youth Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to plan, organize, and implement a Chapter Youth Project; to introduce young people to the purpose of the club and national organization; to teach the youth a basis for respect of our national heritage, an appreciation of the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play and good sportsmanship, and to give them an introduction to the sheer joy of fishing.

b) Conservation Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to protect our natural environment from harmful change; to document and report to the proper authorities violations of local, state and federal anti-pollution laws, statutes, regulations, ordinances and other regulatory devices; to take legal action where appropriate; to undertake informational and educational programs to bring public awareness of threats to our environment; and to take a leadership role in repairing the harm that has already been done to the life-giving waters of America.  To work toward a responsible fisheries habitat and management agenda.              


ARTICLE V---Disciplinary Actions

      Section 1: Removal of Membership
A member shall be dropped from the membership roll for the following:

  1. Failure to pay dues.

  2. Any action that would reflect dishonor and disgrace on this club, state federation or TBF, Inc.

  3. Disqualification for any reason from participating in TBF, Inc. sponsored events including disqualification for use of drugs or alcohol.

  4. A member who is determined not to be acting in the best interest of the club or its members will be removed immediately from the club roster upon a majority vote by the board of directors.

  5. Not following club ethic standards consistently.

ARTICLE VI---Affiliation

      Section 1: Requirements for Affiliation

  1. Certification of club bylaws by TBF, Inc.

  2. Update TBF, Inc. with a club membership roster once each year before the end of the calendar year.

  3. Names and addresses of new members joining the chapter during the year must be submitted to the state TBF, Inc. Federation as they occur.  (See ARTICLE II Section 3 for dues requirements.)

  4. Maintain 100% TBF, Inc. membership

  5. Must affiliate with a TFB, Inc. State Federation and support its conservation and youth programs.  Any additional requirements that the State Federation establishes for clubs, such as membership, dues, attendance at meetings, etc., would be necessary for the club to participate in the state TBF, Inc. Federation qualifying tournament(s), and any other TBF, Inc. sponsored tournaments or events.

ARTICLE VII---Method of Amending the Bylaws

         Section 1: Amending the Bylaws


  1. The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting by a ⅔ vote of the members present




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